Potential outcomes and Causal Models

What if?

Fernando Rios-Avila

Introduction: What if?

From here on, the whole purpose of the methodologies we will dicusess is the analysis of causal effects of some:

Policy, treatment, experiment, or otherwise event

But, How is it different from what we did before?

It isn’t.

Under Exogeneity assumption \(E(e|X)=0\), one can make causal effect claims.

We seek the truth

How much of the change in outcome is caused by the program alone?

But this is not as easy.

Examples…Where is the challenge?

A few examples for Causal effect questions:

  • Do minimum wages increase unemployment ?
  • Do Conditional cash transfers improve health outcomes in children?
  • Do Covid Vaccines help reduce the Spread of Covid?

These questions are, however, difficult to answer.

  • How do you make sure the “treatment” is the Only factor that explains the difference in outcome across groups??

To do this we need strategies that rule out any other explanation that could “take away” the connection we seek.

We need to close all back doors, block all alternative explanations, or nuisanse factors

We need to figure out what is what we seek

Potential Outcomes


In a world of quantum mechanics, multiverses, parallel worlds, and other infinite number of scenarios, Causal Inference would be extreamly simple:

\[ \begin{aligned} Path1 &: Neo \rightarrow RedPill \rightarrow wakesup \rightarrow SavesWorld \\\ Path2 &: Neo \rightarrow BluePill \rightarrow goestoSleep \rightarrow Nothing \ happend \end{aligned} \]

Then just compare the outcomes: The read Pill Saved the world.

Thus, treatment effect is simply the difference in the potential outcomes: Two counterfactuals!

This difference captures the TRUE treatment effect. Easy enough…

The Path not taken

The way we express the \(TE_i\), compares counterfactuals. Two possible States of the world, where an allknowing researcher can perfectly identify TE.

Unfortunately, the same person cannot take both paths, and we cannot see both options. A person is either Treated or Untreated. Thus, the first approach to Casual effects is impossible.

But it does provide us with a clue of how to go ahead and analyze Causal effects. We “simply” need to estimate the counterfactual!

But before going deeper into how to estimate the counterfactuals And treatment effects some notation

Potential Outcomes: Notation

  • \(i\) will represent a unit. Person, city, country, school, classroom, etc

  • \(D\) will indicate the treatment Status of a unit. \(D=1\) means is treated, and \(D=0\) is untreated.

  • Each unit has two potential outcomes \(Y_i(D=1)\) and \(Y_i(D=0)\)

  • All units have only one effective or realized outcome: \(Y_i\), which is what we observe, and depends on their treatment status:


  • Unit Specific causal effect is the difference between potential outcomes: \[\delta_i = Y_i(1)-Y_i(0)\]

  • \(\pi\) is the proportion of treated units

Parameters of Interest

Assume we can see the true USCE (unit specific casual effect) for all units. In addition to their Treatment Status.

There are three parameters one might be interested in analyzing:

\[ \begin{aligned} ATE &= E(\delta_i) \\ ATT &= E(\delta_i|D_i=1) \\ ATU &= E(\delta_i|D_i=0) \end{aligned} \]

In general, this three estimands may tell very different stories.

Lets Put some numbers here

Simulating effects Stata

set linesize 255
set seed 101
set obs 1000
gen y0 = rnormal(5)
gen t  = rnormal(0.0,0.5)
gen y1 = y0+t
** Assume only those with t>0 take treatment
gen trt =(t>0)
gen y = y0 * (1-trt) +  y1 * (trt)
format y0 y1 y t %4.3f 
list in 1/10, sep(0) clean
** For Everyone 100 obs
tabstat t, by(trt)
Number of observations (_N) was 0, now 1,000.

          y0        t      y1   trt       y  
  1.   5.254   -0.801   4.453     0   5.254  
  2.   4.997    0.039   5.035     1   5.035  
  3.   2.608   -0.490   2.118     0   2.608  
  4.   6.280   -0.579   5.700     0   6.280  
  5.   5.761    0.090   5.850     1   5.850  
  6.   6.132    0.211   6.342     1   6.342  
  7.   4.928    0.153   5.081     1   5.081  
  8.   4.377   -0.073   4.304     0   4.377  
  9.   3.142    0.427   3.569     1   3.569  
 10.   6.050   -0.332   5.718     0   6.050  

Summary for variables: t
Group variable: trt 

     trt |      Mean
       0 | -.3984745
       1 |  .3748617
   Total | -.0187664

But there is only 1

But, we never see potential outcomes, nor unit specific effects.

The most naive estimator is to just estimate the mean difference in “post-treatment” outcome after treatment was in place. But that would be very biased!

gen yy0 = y if trt==0
gen yy1 = y if trt==1
list y yy1 yy0 trt in 1/10
reg  y trt
(491 missing values generated)
(509 missing values generated)

     |     y        yy1        yy0   trt |
  1. | 5.254          .   5.254051     0 |
  2. | 5.035   5.035442          .     1 |
  3. | 2.608          .   2.608155     0 |
  4. | 6.280          .    6.27964     0 |
  5. | 5.850   5.850478          .     1 |
  6. | 6.342    6.34237          .     1 |
  7. | 5.081   5.080995          .     1 |
  8. | 4.377          .   4.376629     0 |
  9. | 3.569   3.568727          .     1 |
 10. | 6.050          .   6.049989     0 |

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,000
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 998)       =     49.49
       Model |  49.4759442         1  49.4759442   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  997.714103       998   .99971353   R-squared       =    0.0472
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0463
       Total |  1047.19005       999  1.04823829   Root MSE        =    .99986

           y | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
         trt |   .4449359   .0632467     7.03   0.000      .320824    .5690477
       _cons |   4.988793   .0443179   112.57   0.000     4.901826     5.07576

Bias Direction

\[ \begin{aligned} E(Y_i|D_i=1)-E(Y_i|D_i=0) &= ATE \\ & +E(Y(0)|D=1)-E(Y(0)|D=0) \\ & +(1-\pi)(ATT-ATU) \end{aligned} \]

Intuition: Simple Difference will be biases because

  1. There could be a selection bias (one group baseline outcome is different from the other)

  2. Treatment Heterogeneity. Some groups are affected differently from others

From these two problems, the second one is easier to handle (either concentrate on ATT or ATU).

The first one, however, requires using strategies to be able to account for selection bias.

Independence assumption

While the Simple mean estimator is most likely to be biased, under Independence assumption, it may still work:

\[ Y(1),Y(0) \perp D \]

This means that Treatment Status should NOT depend on the potential outcomes.

In other words, there shouldnt be any differneces in the potential outcomes before or after treatment takes place.

This eliminates the selection bias. And group Heterogeneity.

\[ \begin{aligned} ATT - ATU &= E(Y|D=1) - E(Y(0)|D=1) \\ &- E(Y(1)|D=0) - E(Y|D=0) \end{aligned} \]


Stable Unit Treatment value assumption

This is a strong assumption that is still required to estimate of treatment effects.

It assumes that:

  • Treatment is Homogenous. Same intensity, quality, type of treatment among all treated.
  • There are no spill overs. Your Treatment Status effects you and you only, and you are only affected by your treatment status. No externalities nor Spillovers.
  • Also, there are no general equibrium effects
  • And NO Anticipation.

This assumptions namely guaranties that when a unit is not treated, its/his/her outcome will not change.

Narrowing down the problem

  1. Individual level effects are impossible to identify. We only observe one outcome at a time. (not both)
  2. It is possible to identify causal effects on groups (treated, not-treated, kind-of-treated). But..
  3. Simple Mean difference will not identify causal effects, unless Independence and Sutva assumptions hold

This however, suggests a path. Constructing good counterfactuals can help idenfiying the Causal effects.


  • Identify a control/comparison group that is statistically identical to the treated group, except for the Treatment Status

The Gold Standard: Randomized Control Trials

To keep in mind

Searching for good controls doesnt require having access to perfect “clones”. However, in average, we need groups (T vs UT) that are very similar to each other.

In general, research designed is guided by the rules of program or treatment assignment on participants.

When researchers have control on the assingment rules, the best approach is to design a randomized control trial.

In an RCT, randomized assigment, eliminates any selection-bias problems (although SUTVA remains as an assumption)

RCT and Selection Problems

Consider the example of the Health Impacts of Hospitals.

  • Hospitals (or health care) should improve health of individuals. but
  • Only unhealthy people will use Health care services. Selection bias
  • Thus It may look that Hospitals Hurt people’s health becuase those who used it have lower health than those who dont: \[ E(Y|D=1)-E(Y|D=0) = ATT + E(Y(0)|D=1)-E(Y(0)|D=0) \]

So even if Health services help those in need (ATT). If the selection bias is large, Naive estimations may suggest Hospitals are harmful.

This is a problem caused because Treatment(going to the Hospital) is affected by pre-conditions or potential treatment outcomes.

Under Random assigment, and SUTVA, this can be fixed:

  1. If assigment is given as a lottery, potential benefits (Treatment effects) will not be affected by the lottery.
  2. Here, ATT will be the same as ATU. which will allow us to estimte ATE as: \[ \begin{aligned} ATE &= E(Y|D=1)-E(Y|D=0) \\ &= E(Y|D=1)-E(Y(0)|D=1) \\ &= E(Y(1)|D=0)-E(Y|D=0) \\ \end{aligned} \]

Stata Example

gen trt2=rnormal()>0
gen yrct = y0 * (1-trt2) +  y1 * (trt2)
tabstat t y0 y1 yrct, by(trt2)
reg yrct trt2

Summary statistics: Mean
Group variable: trt2 

    trt2 |         t        y0        y1      yrct
       0 | -.0097507  5.061626  5.051875  5.061626
       1 |  -.027891  4.984309  4.956418  4.956418
   Total | -.0187664  5.023199  5.004433  5.009338

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,000
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 998)       =      2.64
       Model |  2.76706003         1  2.76706003   Prob > F        =    0.1046
    Residual |  1046.22695       998   1.0483236   R-squared       =    0.0026
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0016
       Total |  1048.99401       999  1.05004406   Root MSE        =    1.0239

        yrct | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        trt2 |  -.1052076   .0647568    -1.62   0.105    -.2322827    .0218675
       _cons |   5.061626   .0456524   110.87   0.000      4.97204    5.151212

Internal vs External Validity

RCTs are not the only strategy that allows you to control the Rules of Treatment. In Experimental Economics this is done quite often

you select your sample (of students), and randomly assigned treatments of interest (Experimental design).

There are, however, further considerations to be taken:

Internal Validity

The estimated Impact is net of all other confunding factors (Random assigment)

External Validity

The estimated impact can be generalized to the population in general. (Random Sample)

How to Randomize

Depends mostly on how reasonable is to mantain SUTVA assumption


CCT and Education in Mexico

Progresa/Prospera is a CCT program for poor mothers based on children school enrollment to suport education attainment.

Eligibility was based on Census data on Poverty levels and Baseline Data collection. But during phase-in period, only 2/3 if localities were selected to receive the Transfer

Water and Sanitation Intervention in Bolivia

In 2012 IADB and Bolivian Goverment implemented a random assigment of water/sanitation interventions in Small Rural Communities.

From 369 eliginle communities, 182 were selected at random for the program implementation, via public lotteries, constraining on Community Size

How to Analyze the Data

  1. Verify Data Balance: Even if treatment was assigned at random, it is important to verify of groups remain comparable. (Thus avoid compossition effects)
  2. Mean Difference: Because of Random Assigment, one could use simple mean differences to estimate ATE
  3. Consider using controls: Under RA, controls will not affect the outcome, but may improve precision: \(y_i = \alpha_0 + \tau D_i + x_i\beta + \varepsilon_i\).
    • But controls should not be affected by the treatment itself (thus should be pre-treatment)
  4. May consider falsification tests
  5. And Other Robustness test: Outliers, or distributional impacts may be of interest


School subsidies for the poor:

Evaluating the Mexican Progresa poverty program

Paul Schultz (2004)


Progresa is a Cash Transfer Program designed to increase School Enrollment among the poor, minimizing desincentives to work.

This program provided Grants to families whos children attended school for atleast 85% of the school year, covering between 50/75% of school cost.

While there were 495 localities that were eligible to benefit from the program, only 314 were randomly selected to start reciving resources for the first 2 years. With the unselected localities being treated a couple of years later.

The program continued beyond the original scope of the policy, now its known as Progresa/Oportunidades


Goal. Estimate the impact of Progresa (P) on Enrollment (S) \[ S_i = a_0 +a_1 P_i + a_2 E_i + a_3 P_iE_i + \delta Enrolled_c + \beta X + e_i \]

\(P_i=1\) if the comunity is eligible

\(E_i=1\) if the child is Poor

\(P_i * E_i\) the impact on Poor Chilren in eligible communities.

Model can be estimated Separately (5 years), or using pooled data

This is a kind of DIDID model. However, we could consider it as a simple mean comparison between those Effectively treated and those untreated.

Differences in Characteristics

Raw Differences

Poor HH

Non Poor HH

With Controls

Other Outcomes

Next Class: REG and Panel FE