Multiple Regression Analysis

Adding and Understanding features

Fernando Rios-Avila


  • Multiple Linear Regression models (MLRM), estimated via OLS, have very good properties, if all Assumptions (A1-A5,A6’) Hold.

  • Up until now, we have discussed how to estimate them, and analyze them under “optimal” assumptions, in simplified cases.

  • Today we will be adding other “minor” Features to MLR, and aim to better understand its features

Scaling and shifting

  1. Something that we do not emphasize enough. Before analyzing your data, its important to analyze the nature of the data (summary stats, ranges, scales)

  2. When I talk about Scaling and shifting, I refer exclusibly to affine transormations of the following type:

\[x^* = a*x+c \text{ or } x^* = a*(x+c1)+c2 \]

They either Shift, or change the scale of the data. Not the shape! (logs change shape)

  1. If one applies affine transformations to the data, it will have NO effect on your model what-so-ever. (Same t’s same F’s, same \(R^2\))

  2. But, your \(\beta's\) will change. This could help understading and explaining the results.


set linesize 255
frause bwght, clear
gen bwkg = bwghtlbs*0.454
gen bwgr = bwkg*1000
regress bwght male white cigs lfaminc 
est sto m1
regress bwghtlbs male white cigs lfaminc
est sto m2
regress bwkg male white cigs lfaminc
est sto m3
regress bwgr male white cigs lfaminc
est sto m4
Birthweight and Cig
Oz lbs Kgs Gr
male 3.123*** 0.195*** 0.089*** 88.605***
(1.071) [2.916] (0.067) [2.916] (0.030) [2.916] (30.389) [2.916]
white 5.404*** 0.338*** 0.153*** 153.346***
(1.392) [3.882] (0.087) [3.882] (0.039) [3.882] (39.497) [3.882]
cigs -0.480*** -0.030*** -0.014*** -13.628***
(0.091) [-5.288] (0.006) [-5.288] (0.003) [-5.288] (2.577) [-5.288]
lfaminc 1.053* 0.066* 0.030* 29.867*
(0.632) [1.664] (0.040) [1.664] (0.018) [1.664] (17.946) [1.664]
_cons 110.603*** 6.913*** 3.138*** 3138.351***
(2.071) [53.410] (0.129) [53.410] (0.059) [53.410] (58.760) [53.410]
N 1388 1388 1388 1388
R2 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046

Scaling X’s and Y’s

  • Re-scaling \(y\) will affect the all coefficients.
    • Reducing Scale, reduces scale of coefficients
  • Re-scaling \(x's\) will only affect its coefficient and possible the constant.
    • Reducing (increasing) Scale will increase (reduce) Scale of coefficient
  • In both cases, Shifting the variable only affects the constant.


Re-Scaling is an important tool/trick that can be used for interpreting more complex models.

Beta or Standardized Coefficients

  • In some fields (health), making inferences based on default scales can be difficult (the impact of 1microgram ?).
  • To avoid this type of problem researchers may opt to use Standardized or Beta coefficients.
    • How a \(sd\) change in \(X's\) affect the outcome (in \(sd\))
  • Getting these coefficient is similar to applying the following transformation to all variables:

\[\tilde w = \frac{w-\bar w}{\sigma_w} \rightarrow E(\tilde w)=0 \text{ and } Var(\tilde w) = 1 \]

reg y x1 x2 x3, beta
est sto m1
esttab m1, beta 
  • It also helps you make comparison of the relative importance of each covariate explanatory power.

Functional Forms: Single Dummies

  • Dummies are variables that take only two values (preferably 0 and 1).

  • They are used to capture qualitative (binary) characteristics (ie Democrat, Union worker, etc)

  • When used in regression analysis, they represent “shifts” in the Intercept: \[y = b_0 + b_1 male + b_2 x_1 + b_3 x_2 + e \]

    • Here, \(b_0\) would be the “intercept” for “women” (base) while \(b_0+b_1\) would be the intercept for men.
      • Under A4, \(b_1\) is the expected outcome difference men have over women, everything else constant.
  • Unless further restrictions are used, you can’t add Dummies for both categories in the model.

* Stata Code
reg y x1 x2 d    <-- Possible if d = 0 or 1
reg y x1 x2 i.d  <-- Better

Functional Forms: Multiple Dummies

  • We can use dummies to represent multiple (nonoverlapping) characteristics like Race, ranking or age group).
  • One needs a “base” or comparison group to analyze coefficients (or more).
  • Ordered variables can be used as continuous, but using them as dummies requires creating dummies for each category.

\[\begin{aligned} y &= b_0 + b_1 black + b_2 hispanic + b_3 other + b_4 x + e & || Base = White \\ y &= b_0 + b_1 young + b_2 old + b_3 x + e & || Base = Adult \end{aligned} \]

  • When using with ordered data, multiple dummies may create somewhat counterintuitive results
tab race, gen(race_)  <- creates dummies
reg y i.race x1 x2 x3 <- generally uses first group as base
reg y ib2.race x1 x2 x3 <- indicates a particular "base"


frause beauty, clear
** Union also a dummy. 
** looks as Continous
qui:reg lwage exper union educ female looks
est sto m1
gen looks_good = looks>=4 if !missing(looks)
qui:reg lwage exper union educ female looks_good
est sto m2
qui:reg lwage exper union educ female i.looks
est sto m3
qui:reg lwage exper union educ female ib3.looks
est sto m4
esttab m1 m2 m3 m4, se star( * 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01  ) nogaps nomtitle
display _n "Exact Change Union : " %5.3f (exp(_b[union])-1)*100 "%"

                      (1)             (2)             (3)             (4)   
exper              0.0137***       0.0134***       0.0135***       0.0135***
                (0.00119)       (0.00120)       (0.00120)       (0.00120)   
union               0.201***        0.201***        0.196***        0.196***
                 (0.0305)        (0.0307)        (0.0306)        (0.0306)   
educ               0.0737***       0.0750***       0.0735***       0.0735***
                (0.00528)       (0.00528)       (0.00528)       (0.00528)   
female             -0.448***       -0.450***       -0.446***       -0.446***
                 (0.0293)        (0.0294)        (0.0293)        (0.0293)   
looks              0.0555***                                                
looks_good                         0.0276                                   
1.looks                                                 0          -0.266** 
                                                      (.)         (0.134)   
2.looks                                             0.146          -0.121***
                                                  (0.139)        (0.0439)   
3.looks                                             0.266**             0   
                                                  (0.134)             (.)   
4.looks                                             0.264*       -0.00255   
                                                  (0.136)        (0.0312)   
5.looks                                             0.422**         0.156   
                                                  (0.173)         (0.111)   
_cons               0.408***        0.565***        0.338**         0.604***
                 (0.0968)        (0.0774)         (0.149)        (0.0781)   
N                    1260            1260            1260            1260   
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01

Exact Change Union : 21.598%

Functional Forms: Logarithms

  • Using Logarithms can help modeling some nonlinearities in the data.
  • Because it changes the “shape” of variables, it also changes the interpretation (Changes vs %Changes)
  • By reducing dispersion of dep. variable, CLM assumptions may hold.


  • Cannot or should not be applied to all data types (ie Dummies, negatives, shares)
  • (log-lin model): It is often better to use the exact percentage change rather than approximation: \[\begin{aligned} log(y) &= b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + b_3 D + e \\ \frac{\% \Delta y}{\Delta D} &= 100 (exp(b_3)-1)\% \end{aligned} \]


Functional Forms: Polynomials (\(x^2, x^3, etc\))

  • Up to this point, we have only considered linear models (\(X's\) enter asis or in logs). This almost always works! (Taylor expansion justification)
    • Specially if interested in Average Effects
  • Some times, you may be interest in capturing some heterogeneity for \(dy/dx\). That can be done just adding “ANY” transformation of \(X\) in the model (\(sin(x), 1/x, \sqrt x\), etc)
  • For practical, and theoretical purposes, however, we usually concentrate on quadratic terms.
    • For example: Increasing returns with decreasing marginal returns
    • We may be interested in “turning” points
  • However, we now need to be careful about marginal effects!

\[\begin{aligned} y &=b_0+b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_1^2 + b_3 x_2 + e \\ \frac{dy}{dx_1} &= b_1+2b_2 x_1 =0 \\ x_1^* &= - \frac{b_1}{2b_2} x_1 \end{aligned} \]

To consider

  1. Marginal effects are no longer constant. You need an \(x_1\) value to obtain them (mean? average?)
  2. With Quadratic models, there is ALWAYS a turning point (but may not be relevant)
  3. MFX can be positive or negative for some value of \(x_1\) (but may not be relevant)
  4. Unless something else is done, coefficients may not make sense on their own.
  • Why not add further polynomials?
    • Estimating them is easy (except for numerical precision), but adds complexity for interpretation. Nothing else.


frause hprice2, clear
gen rooms2=rooms*rooms
qui:reg lprice lnox dist rooms 
est sto m0
qui:reg lprice lnox dist rooms rooms2
est sto m1
qui:reg lprice lnox dist c.rooms c.rooms#c.rooms
est sto m2
esttab m0 m1 m2, se varwidth(20) star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) nogaps

                              (1)             (2)             (3)   
                           lprice          lprice          lprice   
lnox                       -0.968***       -0.975***       -0.975***
                          (0.110)         (0.106)         (0.106)   
dist                      -0.0291***      -0.0223**       -0.0223** 
                         (0.0102)       (0.00995)       (0.00995)   
rooms                       0.302***       -0.724***       -0.724***
                         (0.0189)         (0.171)         (0.171)   
rooms2                                     0.0794***                
c.rooms#c.rooms                                            0.0794***
_cons                       9.793***        13.05***        13.05***
                          (0.271)         (0.599)         (0.599)   
N                             506             506             506   
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
  • Negative coefficient for \(rooms\), so is there a problem?
    • Find “turnpoint” and summary Stats

Turn point: 4.55

    Variable |       Min        p1        p5       p10       p25       p50       p75       p90       p99       Max
       rooms |      3.56      4.52       5.3      5.59      5.88      6.21      6.62      7.15      8.34      8.78
  • Does it make a difference how we estimate the model?
qui:reg lprice lnox dist rooms rooms2
margins, dydx(rooms)
qui:reg lprice lnox dist c.rooms c.rooms#c.rooms
margins, dydx(rooms) 

Average marginal effects                                   Number of obs = 506
Model VCE: OLS

Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
dy/dx wrt:  rooms

             |            Delta-method
             |      dy/dx   std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       rooms |  -.7236433   .1706763    -4.24   0.000    -1.058973   -.3883139

Average marginal effects                                   Number of obs = 506
Model VCE: OLS

Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
dy/dx wrt:  rooms

             |            Delta-method
             |      dy/dx   std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       rooms |   .2747106   .0188463    14.58   0.000     .2376831    .3117382

Functional Forms: Interactions I (\(d1*d2\))

  • It is possible to use multiple (unrelated) dummy variables.
  • Dummy interactions are feasible to allow for differential means across groups combined groups.
  • You still need a reference group that should be identified: \[\begin{aligned} y &= a_0 + a_1 female + a_2 union + a_3 female \times union + e \\ y &= b_0 + b_1 female \times nonunion + b_2 male \times union +b_3 female \times union + e \end{aligned} \] Both models are equivalent. Also \[\begin{aligned} & E(y|male,nonunion) && =a_0 &&= b_0 \\ & E(y|female,nonunion) && = a_0 + a_1 && = b_0 + b_1 \\ & E(y|male,union) && =a_0+a_2 &&= b_0+b_2 \\ & E(y|female,union) && = a_0 + a_1 + a_2 + a_3 &&= b_0 + b_3 \end{aligned} \]

For this, you may need to use manual dummy creation, or use explicit interactions:

reg y i.d1 i.d2 i.d1#i.d2
reg y i.d1##i.d2
reg y i.d1#i.d2
  1. You set the interactions
  2. Similar to one, but Stata does it for you
  3. Creates full set of interactions, as in 2nd model before

Options 1 and 3 will allow you using margins. For overall groups (all women, all unions) you need to decide how to get representative samples.

Functional Forms: Interactions II (\(x1*x2\))

  • You may be interested in allowing for some interaction across continuous variables.
    • ie Interacted effect of household size and number of bedrooms
  • As with Polynomials, this allows for heterogeneity, thus effects are not constant.

\[\begin{aligned} y &= a_0 + a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + a_3 x_1 x_2 + e \\ \frac{\Delta E(y|x_1,x_2) }{\Delta x_1} &= a_1 + a_3 x_2 \\ \frac{\Delta E(y|x_1,x_2) }{\Delta x_2} &= a_2 + a_3 x_1 \end{aligned} \]

  • Thus, coefficients, on their own, are difficult to interpret, unless \(x_1\) or \(x_2\) are zero

Shortcut: Affine transformation

  • There is a trick that could help easy and direct interpretation. re-scaling variables:

\[\begin{aligned} y &= b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + b_3 (x_1-\bar x_1)(x_2-\bar x_2) + e \\ \frac{\Delta E(y|x_1,x_2) }{\Delta x_1} &= b_1 + b_3 (x_2-\bar x_2) \simeq b_1 \\ \frac{\Delta E(y|x_1,x_2) }{\Delta x_2} &= b_2 + b_3 (x_1-\bar x_1) \simeq b_2 \end{aligned} \]

  • Also works with quadratic terms!

\[\begin{aligned} y &= b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 (x_1-\bar x_1)^2 + b_3 x_2 + e \\ \frac{\Delta E(y|x_1,x_2) }{\Delta x_1} &= b_1 + 2 b_2 (x_1-\bar x_1) \simeq b_1 \\ \end{aligned} \]

Functional Forms: Interactions III (\(d1*x1\))

  • Dummy variables allows for shifts to the constant (intercept).
  • Interacting with continuous variables allows for shifts in slopes!.
    • This can be useful to testing hypothesis: differences in returns to education by gender.

\[wage=b_0 + b_1 female + b_2 educ + b_3 educ \times female + e \]

  • \(b_1\): Baseline wage differential between men and women.
  • \(b_2+b_3\): Returns to education for women.
  • \(b_1 + b_3 \overline{educ}\): Average wage difference between men and women.


reg y x1 i.d c.x1#i.d

Functional Forms: Full Interactions (with dummies)

  • It is possible to estimate models where all variables are interacted with a single dummy. This allows you to test the hypothesis if two groups have the same underlying parameters.
    • Do men and women have the same wage structure?
  • Full interactions is equivalent to estimating separate models:

\[\begin{aligned} FT: & y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + g_0 d +g_1 x_1 d +g_2 x_2 d +e \\ D0: & y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 +e && \text{ if d=0 } \\ D1: & y = (b_0+g_0) + (b_1+g_1) x_1 + (b_2+g_2) x_2 +e && \text{ if d=1 } \\ & y = a_0 + a_1 x_1 + a_1 x_2 +e && \text{ if d=1 } \\ CS1: & H_0: g_0=g_1=g_2=0 \end{aligned} \]

Chow test

  • \(CS1\) can be tested using F-stat for multiple hypothesis.
  • But, under homoskedasticty, one could also use what is known as the Chow test

\[\begin{aligned} M1 &: y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + e \\ M2 &: y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + b_3 d + e \\ if \ D=0 &: y = b_{00} + b_{01} x_1 + b_{02} x2 + e_0 \\ if \ D=1 &: y = b_{10} + b_{11} x_1 + b_{12} x2 + e_1 \end{aligned} \]

F-Stat (similar to before):

\[\begin{aligned} F_{M1} = \frac{(SSR_{M1}-SSR_0-SSR_1)/(k+1)}{(SSR_0+SSR_1)/(n - 2(k+1))} \\ F_{M2} = \frac{(SSR_{M2}-SSR_0-SSR_1)/k}{(SSR_0+SSR_1)/(n - 2(k+1))} \end{aligned} \]


 frause gpa3, clear
drop if cumgpa==0
replace sat = sat /100
qui:reg cumgpa sat hsperc tothrs
est sto m1
qui:reg cumgpa sat hsperc tothrs female
est sto m2
qui:reg cumgpa sat hsperc tothrs if female==0
est sto m3
qui:reg cumgpa sat hsperc tothrs if female==1
est sto m4
qui:reg cumgpa i.female##c.(sat hsperc tothrs)
est sto m5
esttab m1 m2 m3 m4 m5, mtitle( Simple With_fem Men Women Full_int) ///
se star(* .1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) nogaps noomitted 
(98 observations deleted)
variable sat was int now float
(634 real changes made)

                      (1)             (2)             (3)             (4)             (5)   
                   Simple        With_fem             Men           Women        Full_int   
sat                0.0933***       0.0938***       0.0679***        0.177***       0.0679***
                 (0.0133)        (0.0130)        (0.0151)        (0.0244)        (0.0146)   
hsperc           -0.00865***     -0.00730***     -0.00748***     -0.00869***     -0.00748***
                (0.00105)       (0.00106)       (0.00119)       (0.00219)       (0.00116)   
tothrs          -0.000599       -0.000586        -0.00155**       0.00141        -0.00155** 
               (0.000662)      (0.000647)      (0.000771)       (0.00111)      (0.000748)   
female                              0.277***                                                
0.female                                                                                0   
1.female                                                                           -0.855** 
1.female#c~t                                                                        0.109***
1.female#c~c                                                                     -0.00121   
1.female#c~s                                                                      0.00296** 
_cons               1.900***        1.782***        2.070***        1.215***        2.070***
                  (0.149)         (0.147)         (0.173)         (0.257)         (0.168)   
N                     634             634             483             151             634   
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
test 1.female#c.sat 1.female#c.hsperc 1.female#c.tothrs
test 1.female 1.female#c.sat 1.female#c.hsperc 1.female#c.tothrs
margins female, dydx(sat hsperc tothrs)

 ( 1)  1.female#c.sat = 0
 ( 2)  1.female#c.hsperc = 0
 ( 3)  1.female#c.tothrs = 0

       F(  3,   626) =    6.26
            Prob > F =    0.0003

 ( 1)  1.female = 0
 ( 2)  1.female#c.sat = 0
 ( 3)  1.female#c.hsperc = 0
 ( 4)  1.female#c.tothrs = 0

       F(  4,   626) =   12.75
            Prob > F =    0.0000

Average marginal effects                                   Number of obs = 634
Model VCE: OLS

Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
dy/dx wrt:  sat hsperc tothrs

             |            Delta-method
             |      dy/dx   std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
sat          |
      female |
          0  |   .0679302    .014607     4.65   0.000     .0392454    .0966149
          1  |   .1772582   .0273126     6.49   0.000     .1236229    .2308936
hsperc       |
      female |
          0  |    -.00748   .0011573    -6.46   0.000    -.0097526   -.0052073
          1  |  -.0086922   .0024524    -3.54   0.000    -.0135081   -.0038763
tothrs       |
      female |
          0  |  -.0015482   .0007477    -2.07   0.039    -.0030165   -.0000798
          1  |    .001412   .0012472     1.13   0.258    -.0010371    .0038612


Avg Partial effects vs Partial effects at \(X_c\)

  • Whenever you have interactions, higher order polynomials (or any nonlinear transformation of \(X\)), marginal effects are no longer constant, and may depend on additional information:

\[y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_1^2 + e \rightarrow \frac{dy}{dx} = b_1 + 2b_2 x_1 \]

  • What to do in this cases?
    1. Estimate Average marginal effects: \(AME = E\left(\frac{dy}{dx}\right) = b_1 + 2b_2 \overline{x}_1\)
    2. Estimate Marginal effects at means: \(MEM = \frac{dy}{dx}\Big|_{x=\bar x} = b_1 + 2b_2 \overline{x}_1\)
    3. Estimate Marginal effects at relevant values
    4. Report ALL marginal effects

  • In Stata you can do this only for interactions. For constructed variables you need f_able, or do it by hand.
reg y c.x1##c.x1##c.x1
margins, dydx(x1) <-- Default is Average Marginal Effects
margins, dydx(x1) atmeans <-- Request marginal effects at means
margins, dydx(x1) at(x1=(1/5)) <-- Request marginal effects at specific values of x1
* and plot afterwards

Goodness of Fit: \(R^2\) vs \(R^2_{adj}\)

With Great power…

IMPORTANT: Low \(R^2\) does not mean a bad model, nor high \(R^2\) mean a good one.

  • If \(N\) is constant, adding more variables to your model will increase the Goodness of fit \(R^2\) (even if marginally)
    • This may lead to the incorrect intuition of choosing models with the highest \(R^2\)
    • This is wrong because \(R^2\) only measures in-sample fitness.
  • Alternative, the Adjusted \(R^2\) (\(R_{adj}^2\)), which penalizes using multiple controls

\[R^2_{adj} = 1-\frac{SSR/(n-k-1)}{SST/(n-1)}=1-(1-R^2)\frac{n-1}{n-k-1} \]

  • More controls \(k\) will not always increase \(R^2_{adj}\)

\(R^2_{adj}\) and Model Selection

  • \(R^2_{adj}\) can be used to choose between nested models.
    • If adding variables improves \(R_{adj}^2\), then choose that model.
  • But it can also be used to choose between non-nested models:

\[\begin{aligned} M1: & y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + e \\ M2: & y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_3 x_3 + e \\ M3: & y = b_0 + b_1 ln(x_1) + b_2 ln(x_2) + e \\ M4: & y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + b_3 x_3 + e \end{aligned} \]

log models and Prediction

  • Transforming the Depvariable with logs is quite useful for interpretation, and addressing overdispersion
  • However, obtaining predictions from such models is not straight forward:

\[\begin{aligned} ln(y) &= a_0 + a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + \varepsilon \\ y &= exp(a_0 + a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + \varepsilon ) \\ E(y|x_1,x_2) &=E(e^{a_0 + a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2}) \times E(e^ \varepsilon ) \\ & E(e^ \varepsilon )\neq 1 \end{aligned} \]

  • To make Predictions in a log model we need some approximation for \(E(e^ \varepsilon )\)

We have Options:

Lets call \(E(e^ \varepsilon ) = \alpha_0\)

Option 1 : \(\alpha_0 = n^{-1} \sum( \exp {\hat\varepsilon})\)

Option 2 : Under Normality of \(\varepsilon\), \(\alpha_0 = \exp(\hat \sigma^2/2)\)

Option 3 : Call \(\hat m = \exp(a_0 + a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2)\).

Regress \(y\) on \(\hat m\) without intercept. \(\alpha_0 = \frac{\hat m'y}{\hat m'\hat m}\)

  • Your \(\hat y\) prediction can now be used to estimate a comparable \(R^2\)

\[R^2 = Corr(y,\hat y)^2 \text{ or } 1-\frac{\sum(y_i-\alpha_0 \hat m_i)^2}{\sum(y-\bar y)^2} \]


frause oaxaca, clear
drop if lnwage==.
gen wage = exp(lnwage)
qui:reg lnwage educ exper tenure female married divorced
predict lnw_hat
predict lnw_res, res
** Case 1:
egen alpha_01 = mean( exp(lnw_res))
** Case 2:
qui:sum lnw_res
gen alpha_02 = exp(r(Var)/2)
gen elnw_hat = exp(lnw_hat)
qui: reg wage elnw_hat, nocons
gen alpha_03 = _b[elnw_hat]
gen wage_1 = elnw_hat
gen wage_2 = elnw_hat*alpha_01
gen wage_3 = elnw_hat*alpha_02
gen wage_4 = elnw_hat*alpha_03
mata:  y = st_data(.,"wage"); my = mean(y)
mata:  yh = st_data(.,"wage_1 wage_2 wage_3 wage_4")
mata:"R2_1 "; 1 - sum((y:-yh[,1]):^2)/sum( (y:-my):^2 )
mata:"R2_2 "; 1 - sum((y:-yh[,2]):^2)/sum( (y:-my):^2 )
mata:"R2_3 "; 1 - sum((y:-yh[,3]):^2)/sum( (y:-my):^2 )
(Excerpt from the Swiss Labor Market Survey 1998)
(213 observations deleted)
(option xb assumed; fitted values)

Limited Dependent variables

  • So far, we have impliclity assumed your dep. variable is continuous and unbounded.
  • However, OLS imposes no distributional assumptions (A6 is more convinience)
  • This means that LRM using OLS can be used for variables with limited distribution!
    • like Dummies or count variables

Linear Probability Model - LPM

  • LPM can be used when the dep.variable is a dummy, and the goal is to explain the Likelihood of something to happen.

\[\begin{aligned} D &= b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 +b_3 x_3 + e \\ E(D|Xs) &= P(D=1|Xs) \\ &= b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 +b_3 x_3 \end{aligned} \]


  • For marginal effects, we no longer consider effects at the individual level.
  • Instead we look into conditional means, and likelihood
frause mroz, clear
qui: reg inlf  age educ exper kidsge6 kidslt6 nwifeinc 

E(inlf|X) = 0.707 - 0.018 age + 0.040 educ + 0.023 exper + 0.013 kidsge6 - 0.272 kidslt6 - 0.003 nwifeinc

N = 753 R^2 = 0.254

Problems with LPM

  • LPM are easy to estimate and interpret but it has some problems:
    • Predictions could fall below 0 or above 1 (what does it mean?)
    • Unless more flexible functional forms are allowed, mfx are fixed.
    • The model is, by construction, Heteroskedastic:

\[Var(y|x)=p(x)*(1-p(x)) \]

Thus SE will be incorrect, affecting inference

Modeling Count Data

  • You could also use LRM (via OLS) to model count data.
    • Count data is always possitive, but with discrete values

\[Children = b_0 + b_1 age + b_2 education + e\]

  • Nothing changes for estimation, but its useful to change language:
frause fertil2, clear
qui reg children age educ

E(children|X) = -1.997 + 0.175 age - 0.090 educ

N = 4361 R^2 = 0.560

  • 1 year of education decreases # of children in .09.
  • 1 year of education decreases Fertility .09 children per women.
  • Every 100 women, If they were 1 year more educated, we would expect to see 9 fewer children among them.

Prediction, Policy and Shifting

  • As mentioned before, intercepts, or constant in model regressions are usually meaningless.
    • Because \(a_0 = E(y|X=0)\) (does it make sense)
  • Constant, however, can be useful if we apply some transformations to the data. \[y = b_0 + b_1 (x_1 - c_1) + b_2 (x_2 - c_2) + b_3 (x_3 - c_3) +e \]

In this case \(b_0\) is the expected value of \(y\) when \(x_1=c_1\), \(x_2=c_2\) and \(x_3=c_3\). Thus, its now Useful!

  • Using this affine transformation, we can easily make predictions (and get SE) for any specific values of interest.

    • Granted, you could also use “margins”
frause gpa2, clear
gen sat0=sat-1200
gen hsperc0=hsperc-30
gen hsize0=hsize-5
gen hsize20=hsize^2-25
qui:reg colgpa sat hsperc c.hsize##c.hsize
margins, at(sat = 1200 hsperc = 30 hsize = 5)
reg colgpa sat0 hsperc0 hsize0 hsize20

Adjusted predictions                                     Number of obs = 4,137
Model VCE: OLS

Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
At: sat    = 1200
    hsperc =   30
    hsize  =    5

             |            Delta-method
             |     Margin   std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       _cons |   2.700075   .0198778   135.83   0.000     2.661104    2.739047

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     4,137
-------------+----------------------------------   F(4, 4132)      =    398.02
       Model |  499.030503         4  124.757626   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  1295.16517     4,132  .313447524   R-squared       =    0.2781
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2774
       Total |  1794.19567     4,136  .433799728   Root MSE        =    .55986

      colgpa | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        sat0 |   .0014925   .0000652    22.89   0.000     .0013646    .0016204
     hsperc0 |  -.0138558    .000561   -24.70   0.000    -.0149557   -.0127559
      hsize0 |  -.0608815   .0165012    -3.69   0.000    -.0932328   -.0285302
     hsize20 |   .0054603   .0022698     2.41   0.016     .0010102    .0099104
       _cons |   2.700075   .0198778   135.83   0.000     2.661104    2.739047

Policy Evaluation

  • When modeling \(y = b_0 + \delta \ trt + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + e\) the treatment effect \(\delta\) was estimated under homogeneity assumption (only intercept shift)

  • This assumption can be relaxed by estimating separate models or using interactions.

  • Effects can be estimated manually (separate models), margins or using shifts!

Using Separate models: \[\begin{aligned} y &= b^0_0 + b^0_1 x_1 + b^0_2 x_2 + e^0 \text{ if trt=0} \\ y &= b^1_0 + b^1_1 x_1 + b^1_2 x_2 + e^1 \text{ if trt=1} \\ & ATE = E(\hat y_1 - \hat y_0 ) \\ & ATT = E(\hat y_1 - \hat y_0 | trt=1) \\ & ATU = E(\hat y_1 - \hat y_0 | trt=0) \end{aligned} \]

Or using Model Shits

\[\begin{aligned} y &= b_0 + \delta_{ate} trt + b_1 x_1 + g_1 trt (x_1- E(x_1)) + e \\ y &= b_0 + \delta_{att} trt + b_1 x_1 + g_1 trt (x_1- E(x_1|trt=1)) + e \\ y &= b_0 + \delta_{atu} trt + b_1 x_1 + g_1 trt (x_1- E(x_1|trt=0)) + e \\ \end{aligned} \]

frause jtrain98, clear
foreach i in earn96 educ age married {
  sum `i' if train==0, meanonly
  gen atu_`i' = (`i' - r(mean))*train
  sum `i' if train==1, meanonly
  gen att_`i' = (`i' - r(mean))*train
  sum `i' , meanonly
  gen ate_`i' = (`i' - r(mean))*train
qui:reg earn98 train earn96 educ age married
est sto m1
qui:reg earn98 train earn96 educ age married ate*
est sto m2
qui:reg earn98 train earn96 educ age married atu*
est sto m3
qui:reg earn98 train earn96 educ age married att*
est sto m4

esttab m1 m2 m3 m4, keep(train) mtitle(Homogenous ATE ATU ATT) se

                      (1)             (2)             (3)             (4)   
               Homogenous             ATE             ATU             ATT   
train               2.411***        3.106***        3.533***        2.250***
                  (0.435)         (0.532)         (0.667)         (0.449)   
N                    1130            1130            1130            1130   
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Thanks all !

Next week Lifting Assumptions: Heteroskedasticity