Session 7: Micro-Simulations, and Monte Carlo Methods
Monte Carlo simulation are a generic name given to methods that use random numbers to simulate a process.
In econometrics, Monte Carlo methods are used to study the properties of estimators, and to evaluate the performance of statistical tests.
This can be a useful tool to understand some of the properties of estimators, or even problems related to violations of assumptions.
It can also be used to evaluate the performance of estimators in finite samples, and to compare different estimators.
// define a program
capture program drop mean_vs_median
program define mean_vs_median, eclass
syntax, [nobs(int 100)]
** Set # of obs
set obs `nobs'
** Generate a random variable
gen x = rnormal(0,1)
** Calculate mean and median
qui:sum x,d
** Store results
matrix b = r(mean), r(p50)
** post results
matrix colname b = "mean" "median"
ereturn post b
ereturn display
Number of observations (_N) was 0, now 100.
| Coefficient
mean | -.1445693
median | -.1970271
Now that the program is SET, lets run it 1000 times:
Command: mean_vs_median, nobs(500)
Simulations (1,000): .........10.........20.........30.........40.........50...
> ......60.........70.........80.........90.........100.........110.........120
> .........130.........140.........150.........160.........170.........180.....
> ....190.........200.........210.........220.........230.........240.........2
> 50.........260.........270.........280.........290.........300.........310...
> ......320.........330.........340.........350.........360.........370........
> .380.........390.........400.........410.........420.........430.........440.
> ........450.........460.........470.........480.........490.........500......
> ...510.........520.........530.........540.........550.........560.........57
> 0.........580.........590.........600.........610.........620.........630....
> .....640.........650.........660.........670.........680.........690.........
> 700.........710.........720.........730.........740.........750.........760..
> .......770.........780.........790.........800.........810.........820.......
> ..830.........840.........850.........860.........870.........880.........890
> .........900.........910.........920.........930.........940.........950.....
> ....960.........970.........980.........990.........1,000 done
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_mean | 1,000 .001419 .043875 -.1660358 .1525889
_b_median | 1,000 .0000899 .0544004 -.1851489 .1853068
Conclusion, when N=100, and the distribution is normal, the mean is more efficient than the median.
// define a program
capture program drop mean_vs_median
program define mean_vs_median, eclass
syntax, [nobs(int 100) rt(int 5)]
set obs `nobs'
gen x = rt(`rt')
qui:sum x,d
matrix b = r(mean), r(p50)
matrix colname b = "mean" "median"
ereturn post b
set seed 101
simulate, reps(1000) nodots: mean_vs_median, nobs(500) rt(2)
simulate, reps(1000) nodots: mean_vs_median, nobs(500) rt(4)
simulate, reps(1000) nodots: mean_vs_median, nobs(500) rt(6)
Command: mean_vs_median, nobs(500) rt(2)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_mean | 1,000 -.0199475 .2203307 -4.369244 .6070946
_b_median | 1,000 .0002406 .0640181 -.1970648 .1889922
Command: mean_vs_median, nobs(500) rt(4)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_mean | 1,000 .0007863 .0647392 -.2136446 .2056455
_b_median | 1,000 .0024002 .0602134 -.1902502 .2014696
Command: mean_vs_median, nobs(500) rt(6)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_mean | 1,000 .0007195 .0531958 -.1984012 .2054568
_b_median | 1,000 .0008841 .0580835 -.1863388 .2035508
\[y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + u_i*exp(\gamma x_i)\]
What are the consequences of heteroskedasticity in the OLS estimator?
lets set up a simulation to study this.
// define a program
capture program drop ols_hetero
program define ols_hetero, eclass
syntax, [nobs(int 100) b0(real 1) b1(real 1) gamma(real 1)]
set obs `nobs'
gen x = rnormal(0,1)
gen u = rnormal(0,1)
gen y = `b0' + `b1' * x + u*exp(`gamma'*x)
// run regression (under homoskedasticity)
qui:reg y x
// store results
matrix b = _b[_cons], _se[_cons], _b[x], _se[x]
matrix colname b = "b0" "se0" "b1" "se1"
ereturn post b
simulate, reps(1000) nodots: ols_hetero, nobs(500) b0(1) b1(1) gamma(1)
Command: ols_hetero, nobs(500) b0(1) b1(1) gamma(1)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_b0 | 1,000 .9979773 .1210228 .6013685 1.434932
_b_se0 | 1,000 .1196379 .0220658 .0737395 .2717805
_b_b1 | 1,000 .9864205 .2661498 .0342865 1.8922
_b_se1 | 1,000 .1195836 .0210792 .0808713 .2756631
We can correct for heteroskedasticity using robust standard errors.
// define a program
capture program drop ols_hetero
program define ols_hetero, eclass
syntax, [nobs(int 100) b0(real 1) b1(real 1) gamma(real 1)]
set obs `nobs'
gen x = rnormal(0,1)
gen u = rnormal(0,1)
gen y = `b0' + `b1' * x + u*exp(`gamma'*x)
// run regression (under homoskedasticity)
qui:reg y x, robust
// store results
matrix b = _b[_cons], _se[_cons], _b[x], _se[x]
matrix colname b = "b0" "se0" "b1" "se1"
ereturn post b
simulate, reps(1000) nodots: ols_hetero, nobs(500) b0(1) b1(1) gamma(1)
Command: ols_hetero, nobs(500) b0(1) b1(1) gamma(1)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_b0 | 1,000 1.00342 .1180407 .6255065 1.3921
_b_se0 | 1,000 .1171892 .0219696 .0807092 .3564852
_b_b1 | 1,000 1.00355 .2589393 -.2493259 1.956252
_b_se1 | 1,000 .2407364 .0913925 .1092693 1.174903
or using weighted least squares.
// define a program
capture program drop ols_hetero
program define ols_hetero, eclass
syntax, [nobs(int 100) b0(real 1) b1(real 1) gamma(real 1)]
set obs `nobs'
gen x = rnormal(0,1)
gen u = rnormal(0,1)
gen y = `b0' + `b1' * x + u*exp(`gamma'*x)
// run regression (under homoskedasticity)
qui:reg y x,
predict uhat, resid
gen lnuhat2 = ln(uhat^2)
reg lnuhat2 x
predict lnhx
gen hx=exp(lnhx)
// store results
qui:reg y x [w=1/hx],
matrix b = _b[_cons], _se[_cons], _b[x], _se[x]
matrix colname b = "b0" "se0" "b1" "se1"
ereturn post b
simulate, reps(1000) nodots: ols_hetero, nobs(500) b0(1) b1(1) gamma(1)
Command: ols_hetero, nobs(500) b0(1) b1(1) gamma(1)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_b0 | 1,000 1.001033 .0465683 .8545606 1.252005
_b_se0 | 1,000 .0478398 .0084316 .0288236 .1462429
_b_b1 | 1,000 1.001063 .0277128 .8875045 1.301835
_b_se1 | 1,000 .0270911 .0091106 .0088032 .1357872
You can use Monte Carlo simulations to study the properties of new estimators as well. (most often)
The structure of the simulation, however, will depend on the estimator you want to study, and may not be fully generalizable.
frause oaxaca, clear
probit lfp female educ age agesq married divorced
predict lfp_xb, xb
matrix b=e(b)
(Excerpt from the Swiss Labor Market Survey 1998)
Iteration 0: Log likelihood = -634.26553
Iteration 1: Log likelihood = -453.80541
Iteration 2: Log likelihood = -429.25759
Iteration 3: Log likelihood = -428.40991
Iteration 4: Log likelihood = -428.40986
Iteration 5: Log likelihood = -428.40986
Probit regression Number of obs = 1,647
LR chi2(6) = 411.71
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -428.40986 Pseudo R2 = 0.3246
lfp | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
female | -1.644408 .1498206 -10.98 0.000 -1.938051 -1.350765
educ | .1051167 .0251728 4.18 0.000 .0557789 .1544544
age | .1045008 .0385916 2.71 0.007 .0288627 .1801389
agesq | -.0012596 .0004463 -2.82 0.005 -.0021344 -.0003848
married | -1.692076 .1887409 -8.97 0.000 -2.062001 -1.32215
divorced | -.68518 .2319883 -2.95 0.003 -1.139869 -.2304912
_cons | .4413072 .7648821 0.58 0.564 -1.057834 1.940448
* Latent model LFP =1(lfp_xb + e>0)
capture program drop probit_sim
program probit_sim, eclass
capture drop lfp_hat
gen lfp_hat=(lfp_xb + rnormal(0,1))>0
probit lfp_hat female educ age agesq married divorced, from(b, copy)
simulate _b _se, reps(500) nodots: probit_sim
ren lfp_hat* *
sum ,sep(7)
Command: probit_sim
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
_b_female | 500 -1.67208 .1594671 -2.262682 -1.280128
_b_educ | 500 .108218 .0251913 .0453378 .1974491
_b_age | 500 .1022977 .038849 -.004108 .2443264
_b_agesq | 500 -.0012359 .0004483 -.0029406 -.0000835
_b_married | 500 -1.720405 .1903062 -2.425838 -1.247641
_b_divorced | 500 -.7046396 .2310935 -1.387282 .1018858
_b_cons | 500 .5167748 .7899037 -1.920398 2.650355
_se_female | 500 .1548574 .0187049 .1234346 .2547092
_se_educ | 500 .0255194 .0012991 .0223761 .029805
_se_age | 500 .0389973 .0017384 .0336116 .0466778
_se_agesq | 500 .0004507 .0000184 .0003941 .0005336
_se_married | 500 .1987176 .0234131 .1538517 .3142596
_se_divorced | 500 .2410041 .0207673 .199707 .3420741
_se_cons | 500 .7709869 .0397739 .6426999 .9831291
Micro-simulation is a technique that is used to make micro units act and interact in a way that it is possible to aggregate to the level of interest.
A micro simulation model can be seen as a set of rules, which operates on a sample of micro units (individuals, households, firms, etc.) to produce a set of outcomes.
The goal is to produce synthetic datasets that can be used to estimate the effects of policy changes.
Because micro-simulations are based on micro-data, they have the potential to capture the heterogeneity of the population. (decisions, preferences, etc.)
We need a population of micro units (individuals, households, firms, etc.) that is representative of the population of interest. (survey data)
Details on a policy change that we want to simulate. (policy parameters)
A set of rules that describe how the micro units interact with each other and with the policy change. (model for behavior)
An outcome of interest that we want to study. (outcome variable)
Depending on the type of analysis we want to do, the structure of a micro-simulation can be very simple or very complex.
Consider the following example:
More complex models require more sophisticated interactions between the micro/and macro units and the policy change.
However, simpler models can be useful at least to study first order/statistical effects of a policy change.
Consider the following. The government wants to increase educational attainment in the population.
To do so, they want to evaluate the impact that a 2 additional years for people with less than 12 years of education would have on the population.
How do we do this?
For simplicilty , lets use the oaxaca
We can start by modeling the effect of education on wages.
\[log(wage)= \beta X + \beta_e educ + u\]
(Excerpt from the Swiss Labor Market Survey 1998)
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1,434
-------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 1428) = 101.03
Model | 105.60186 5 21.120372 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 298.517944 1,428 .209046179 R-squared = 0.2613
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2587
Total | 404.119804 1,433 .282009633 Root MSE = .45722
lnwage | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
educ | .0743986 .0052612 14.14 0.000 .0640782 .0847191
exper | .0022628 .0018958 1.19 0.233 -.0014562 .0059817
tenure | .0021805 .0019783 1.10 0.271 -.0017001 .0060611
female | -.1321951 .0254327 -5.20 0.000 -.1820846 -.0823056
age | .0136344 .0017751 7.68 0.000 .0101523 .0171165
_cons | 1.985785 .0732567 27.11 0.000 1.842083 2.129488
(213 missing values generated)
ID the policy change
(1,099 real changes made)
(213 missing values generated)
So what is the effect on wages? (if there is no selection bias)
gen wage = exp(lnwage)
gen wage2 = exp(yhat2+res)
gen wage_diff = wage2-wage
tabstat wage_diff
replace educ = educ2
(213 missing values generated)
(213 missing values generated)
(213 missing values generated)
Variable | Mean
wage_diff | 2.947924
(1,099 real changes made)
Wage has increased in 2.95.
But is this the only effect??
What about the effect on employment?
This is a more complex model, and we need further assumptions
\[P(lfp=1|X,educ)= \beta X + \beta_e educ + u \]
First model the probability of employment
frause oaxaca, clear
qui:probit lfp educ female age single married kids6 kids714
predict lfp_xb, xb
predict pr_org, pr
replace lfp_xb = lfp_xb + _b[educ] * 2 if educ<12
gen plfp = normal(lfp_xb)
** Before and after the policy change
sum plfp pr_org
(Excerpt from the Swiss Labor Market Survey 1998)
(1,099 real changes made)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
plfp | 1,647 .8995986 .1614962 .0777393 .9999999
pr_org | 1,647 .8707874 .1925782 .0604887 .9999999
So now we have the original probability of employment and the probability of employment after the policy change.
How do we know who will transition from not working to working?
gen dprob = (plfp-pr_org)/pr_org
clonevar lfp_post1 = lfp
replace lfp_post1 =1 if lfp==0 & dprob>runiform()
sum lfp_post1 lfp
(35 real changes made)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
lfp_post1 | 1,647 .8919247 .3105698 0 1
lfp | 1,647 .870674 .3356624 0 1
** Option 2
drop2 unf lfp_org lfp_post
gen unf = runiform()
gen lfp_org = pr_org>unf
gen lfp_post = plfp >unf
sum lfp_post lfp_org
variable unf not found
variable lfp_org not found
variable lfp_post not found
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
lfp_post | 1,647 .9046752 .2937523 0 1
lfp_org | 1,647 .8737098 .3322771 0 1
reg lnwage educ female age single married kids6 kids714,
predict res, res
predict lnwage_hat, xb
** Simulating Known wages component
replace lnwage_hat = lnwage_hat + _b[educ] * 2 if educ<12
** Simulating random component
** For those already working:
replace lnwage_hat = lnwage_hat + res if lfp==1
** Simulate unobserved
qui: sum res,
replace lnwage_hat = lnwage_hat + rnormal(0,r(sd)) if lfp_post1==1 & lfp==0
gen wage_post = exp(lnwage_hat) if lfp_post1==1 | lfp==1
gen wage = exp(lnwage)
sum wage wage_post
sgini wage wage_post
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1,434
-------------+---------------------------------- F(7, 1426) = 79.23
Model | 113.158257 7 16.1654653 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 290.961547 1,426 .204040355 R-squared = 0.2800
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2765
Total | 404.119804 1,433 .282009633 Root MSE = .45171
lnwage | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
educ | .0709179 .0050262 14.11 0.000 .0610584 .0807774
female | -.1427501 .0244736 -5.83 0.000 -.1907583 -.0947419
age | .016475 .0014033 11.74 0.000 .0137222 .0192277
single | -.0711724 .0443651 -1.60 0.109 -.1582002 .0158554
married | -.0977016 .0379654 -2.57 0.010 -.1721755 -.0232276
kids6 | .1085073 .0239699 4.53 0.000 .0614873 .1555272
kids714 | .0656187 .019681 3.33 0.001 .027012 .1042254
_cons | 1.999222 .0902563 22.15 0.000 1.822173 2.176272
(213 missing values generated)
(1,099 real changes made)
(1,434 real changes made)
(35 real changes made)
(178 missing values generated)
(213 missing values generated)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
wage | 1,434 32.39167 16.12498 1.661434 192.3077
wage_post | 1,469 35.19396 16.94609 1.873127 221.6129
Gini coefficient for wage, wage_post
Variable | v=2
wage | 0.2460
wage_post | 0.2356
This is equivalent to running a single imputation round. However, we could repeat the process M times to get a measure for the precission of our estimates.
We have just use a simple micro-simulation to study the effect of a policy change (education) on wages and employment.
This simulation had many assumptions, and we could have done it in many different ways.
Among others, we assume no selection bias, with an instantaneous change in education, and no again of the population.
We also made important assumptions regarding the transition from non-employment to employment, and the imputation of wages.
While many micro-simulations are based on stochastic simultions, there are other ways to do it.
In Hotckiss et al. (forthcoming), we use a deterministic micro-simulation to study the effect of tax-reforms on welfare changes and its distribution for the - first
How did we do it?
Two Steps, modeling job creation and job assigment
A probit/logit model would be estimated to predict the likelihood of working, and this will be used to assign jobs.
Job assignment is done using a multinomial model (mprobit
) to predict likelihoods of working on a given occupation & industry.
Ideally, you would like to do both at the same time, but that is a very complex model to estimate. Instead, each one is estimated separately.
\[\begin{aligned} I^*(ind = 1 ) &= \beta_1 X + e_1 \\ I^*(ind = 2 ) &= \beta_2 X + e_2 \\ &\vdots \\ I^*(ind = k ) &= \beta_k X + e_k \end{aligned} \]
Where \(I^*(ind = k )\) is the latent likelihood of working on industry \(k\) given characteristics. Mprobit or Mlogit depends on the distribution of \(e_k\).
You choose Industry \(k\) if \(I^*(ind = k )\) is the highest among all industries.
Job Assigment is done as follows:
For each potential worker, Calculate Prob of working. Those with the highest probability are assigned jobs first.
For Worker, \(i\), the individual is assigned to the industry with the highest likelihood of working. (until all jobs are assigned)
Because some of the newly created jobs go to people who are employed in Family businesses (Farm and non farm income), one has to account for the “loss” of income from those jobs.
This is done by estimating the contribution of each member to the family business, and imputing the loss of income from the now “formally employed” member.