Probability and Classification

Am I a man, or am I a muppet?


Fernando Rios-Avila

Levy Economics Institute


November 26, 2024


  • Say you work for a consultancy agency helping a bank. You are asked to predict which firms will default on their loans.
    • What would be better: a model that predicts probabilities or a model that classifies firms into default or not default?
    • How do you use to decide which firms should get a loan.
  • Companies need to assess the likelihood of their suppliers or clients staying in business, as it impacts their own operations.
    • How to use historical data on company exits, along with key features, to predict the probability of a company’s exit.

Previously on DA

  • In the previous weeks, we have covered the basics of prediction when the target is quantitative.
    • Almost stright forward: predict the value of the target. Consider many specifications and pick the best one.
  • We also cover the basic of probability modeling
    • LPM, Logit and probit models: When your dependent variable is Binary.
  • However, we have not fully cover how to use these models for prediction.

Prediction with qualitative target

  • Consider cases where \(Y\) is qualitative
    • Whether a debtor defaults (will default) on their loan
    • Email is spam or not
    • Game result is win / lose (no draw).
  • For all this cases, the target (dep variable) is binary.
  • The question is: Given this, What is the best way to predict the target?
    • Predict the probability of “success” (default, spam, win)
    • or make a classification (default, spam, win) based on a probability.

Classification: The extra step

The process

  • Predict probability: We have done this.
    • Predicted probability between 0 and 1 (logit, probit or LPM in extreme cases)
    • For each observation we predicted a probability. Often that is it.

if logit: \[\Pr[y_i = 1|x_i] = \Lambda \times (\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i) = \frac{\exp (\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i)}{1 + \exp (\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i)}\]

  • Thats it! You can probably go couple of steps further and use various specifications, as well as LASSO (for logit) to pick the best model.

  • Best model can still be picked based on RMSE, brier score or Calibration.

Refresher: Probability Models

  • LPM - not this time: Predicted value MUST be between 0 and 1

  • Logit or probit (or other non-linear probability models)

  • Nonlinear probability models \[\Pr[y_i = 1|x_i] = \Lambda(\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i) = \frac{\exp (\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i)}{1 + \exp (\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i)}\]

    • Predicted probability between 0 and 1
    • Starts with a linear combination of the explanatory variables
    • Multiplies them with coefficients, just like linear regression
    • And then transforms that into something that is always between 0 and 1, the predicted probability.

What’s New with Binary target?

  • The predicted Probability is not a value.
  • Desire to classify
    • assign 0 or 1
    • based on a probability that comes from a model
    • But how?
  • We also need new measures of fit
    • Some based on probabilities
    • Others based on classification

What’s NOT new with Binary target?

  • Need best fit
    • With highest external validity
  • Usual worries: overfit
    • Cross-validation helps avoid worst overfit
  • Models similar to those used earlier
    • Regression-like models (probability models)
    • Tree-based models (CART, Random Forest) <- We will not cover this

Probability prediction and process

  • We build models to predict probability when:
    • aim is to predict probabilities – (Duh!)
    • aim is to classify (predict 0 or 1) – (we need probabilities first)
  • Build models
    • several Logit models by domain knowledge
    • LASSO - Logit LASSO
  • Pick the best model via cross-validation using RMSE / Brier score
    • Or other LOSS function, if you have one

Classification process

  • After you predict your conditional probability, you can make classifications based on some threshold or Rule.
    • For example if \(\Pr[y = 1] > 0.5\) then predict 1, otherwise predict 0
    • But we can choose any threshold. but how? (say top 10%?)
  • We need to consider that we can make errors
    • False negative
    • False positive
  • Thus we need to consider a threshold that minimizes the expected errors

Classification Table: Confusion Matrix

\(y_j = 0\) \(y_j = 1\) Total
\(\hat{y}_j = 0\) TN FN TN + FN
Predicted negative (true negative) (false negative) (all classified negative)
\(\hat{y}_j = 1\) FP TP FP + TP
Predicted positive (false positive) (true positive) (all classified positive)
Total TN + FP FN + TP TN + FN + FP + TP
(all actual negative) (all actual positive) (N, all observations)

Classification Table: making errors

\(y_j = 0\) \(y_j = 1\) Total
\(\hat{y}_j = 0\) Predict firm stay Predict firm stay TN + FN
Predicted negative (Firm did stay ) (Firm exited ) (all classified stay )
\(\hat{y}_j = 1\) Predict firm exit Predict firm exit FP + TP
Predicted positive (Firm stayed ) (Firm did exit) (all classified exit)
Total TN + FP FN + TP TN + FN + FP + TP
(all actual stay ) (all actual exit) (N, all observations)

Measures of classification

There are several measures of classification, each with a different focus.

  • Accuracy \(=(TP+TN)/N\)
    • The proportion of rightly guessed observations
    • Hit rate
  • Sensitivity \(=TP / (TP+FN)\)
    • The proportion of true positives among all actual positives
    • Probability of predicted \(y\) is 1 conditional on \(y = 1\)
  • Specificity \(= TN/(TN+FP)\)
    • The proportion of true negatives among all actual negatives
    • Probability predicted \(y\) is 0 conditional on \(y = 0\)

Theory: The ROC

Sensitivity vs Specificity

Measures of classification

  • The key point is that there is a trade-off between making false positive and false negative errors.
  • This is the essential insight in classification
  • This can be expressed with specificity and sensitivity.
    • if your Threshold is low, You can detect all the positives, but you will also detect many false positives. Sensitivity is high.
    • if your Threshold is high, You can detect all the negatives, but you will also detect many false negatives. Specificity is high.

ROC Curve

  • The ROC curve is a popular graphic for simultaneously displaying specificity and sensitivity for all possible thresholds.
  • ROC: Receiver operating characteristic curve
    • Name from engineering
  • For each threshold, we can compute confusion table \(\rightarrow\) calculate sensitivity and specificity
  • Then, we can plot sensitivity vs 1-specificity for all thresholds
    • Horizontal axis: False positive rate (one minus specificity) = the proportion of FP among actual negatives
    • Vertical axis: is true positive rate (sensitivity) = proportion of TP among actual positives

ROC Curve Intuition

  • Consider this:
    • If the threshold is 0, we predict all observations as 1. The sensitivity is 1, but the specificity is 0.
    • If the threshold is 1, we predict all observations as 0. The sensitivity is 0, but the specificity is 1.
    • The “ideal” threshold is somewhere in between.
  • ROC curve shows how true positives and false positives increases relative to each other.

ROC Curve Intuition

Area Under ROC Curve

  • ROC curve: the closer it is to the top left column, the better the (insample) prediction.
  • Area under ROC (AUC) curve summarizes quality of probabilistic prediction
    • For all possible threshold choices
    • Area \(=\) 0.5 if random classification
    • Area \(>\) 0.5 if curve mostly over 45 degree line
  • AUC is a good statistic to compare models
    • Defined from a non-threshold dependent model (ROC)
    • The larger the better
    • Ranges between 0 and 1.

Stata Corner

  • Logit estimation: logit y x1 x2 x3
  • Predict probabilities: predict yhat, pr
  • Classification:
    • gen yhat_class = (yhat > 0.5)
    • estat classification
  • ROC curve: lroc

Model selection Nr.1: Probability models

  • Model selection when we have no loss function, based on probability models only
    • Predict probabilities (No actual classification)
    • Use predicted probability to calculate RMSE
    • Pick by smallest RMSE
  • Or
    • Draw up ROC curve and get AUC, Pick the model with the largest AUC
    • More frequently used in practice
    • Less sensitive to class imbalance
  • In practice, AUC is more frequently used

Theory: Classification and loss function

How we make classification from predicted probability?

  • We set a threshold!
  • The process of classification
    • If probability of event is higher than this threshold\(\rightarrow\) assign (predict) class 1; and 0 otherwise.
  • Who sets the threshold?
    • Usually approximated by 0.5
    • or by the frequency of the event in the data

Classification: select the threshold with loss function

  • Find optimal threshold with loss function.
    • A loss function is a dollar value assigned to false positive and false negative.
    • Most often the costs of FP and FN are very different.

Consider loss function

\[E[loss] = \Pr[FN] \times loss(FN) + \Pr[FP] \times loss(FP)\]

  • In ideal case, the minimization of this suggests that optimal threshold is:

\[\text{Threshold} = \frac{loss(FP)}{loss(FN) + loss(FP)}\]

  • Or we can try finding the threshold that minimizes the expected loss using Cross-validation. (Software issue)

When to use Formula

  • Formula
    • When dataset is “large”
    • When our model has a “good” fit \(\text{Threshold}_{\min E (loss)} = \frac{loss(FP)}{loss(FN) + loss(FP)}\)
  • In practice
    • Pro: easy to use, often close enough
    • Con: not the best cutoff, especially for smaller data, and poorer model

Class imbalance

  • A potential issue for some dataset - relative frequency of the classes.
  • Class imbalance = the event we care about is very rare or very frequent (\(\Pr(y = 1)\) or \(\Pr(y = 0)\) is very small)
    • Fraud, Sport injury
  • What is rare?
    • Something like 1%, 0.1%. (10% should be okay.)
    • Depends on size: in larger dataset we can identify rare patterns better.
  • Consequence: Hard to find those rare events.
    • You may be able to identify some patterns by chance.

Class imbalance: the consequences

  • Methods we use are not good at handling it.
    • Both for the models to predict probabilities, and for the measures of fit used for model selection.
  • The functional form assumptions behind the logit model tend to matter more, the closer the probabilities are to zero or one.
  • Cross-validation can be less effective at avoiding overfitting with very rare or very frequent events if the dataset is not very big. (Many samples will not even have the event.)
  • Usual measures of fit can be less good at differentiating models.
  • Consequence: Model fitting and selection setup not ideal

Class imbalance: what to do

  • What to do? Two key insights.
    1. Know when it’s happening, and be ready for poor performance.
    2. May need an action: rebalance sample to help build better models
  • Downsampling – randomly drop observations from frequent class to balance out more
    • Before: 100,000 observations 1% event rate (99,000 \(y = 1\), 1,000 \(y = 0\))
    • After 10,000 observations 10% event rate (9,000 \(y = 1\), 1,000 \(y = 0\))
  • Over-sampling of rare events
  • try Smart algorithms: Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE)
    • Create synthetic observations that are similar to the rare events
    • synthetic rare = Combination of rare and infrequent events

Case study

Firm exit case study: Case study: background

  • Banks and business partners are often interested in the stability of their customers.
  • Predicting which firms will be around to do business with is an important part of many prediction projects.
  • Working with financial and non-financial information, your task may be to predict which firms are more likely to default than others.
  • Goal: Predict corporate default - exit from the market.
    • We have to figure out and decide on target, features, etc.

Firm exit case study: bisnode-firms dataset

  • Firm data
  • Many different type of variables
    • Financial, Management, Ownership, Status (HQ)
  • Dataset is a panel data
  • Rows are identified by company id (comp-id) and year.
  • We’ll focus on a cross-section of 2012.

Firm exit case study: Label (target) engineering

  • Defining our target. There is no “exit” - we have to define it!
  • Option: If a firm is operational in year \(t\), but is not in business in \(t + 2\) -> Exit.
  • This definition is broad
    • Defaults / forced exit
    • Orderly closure
    • Acquisitions

Firm exit case study: Sample design

  • Look at a cross section in 2012
    • If alive in Year=2014, status_alive=1
  • Keep if established in 2012
  • We do not care about all firms. Not very small and very large
    • Below 10 million euros
    • Above 1000 euros
  • Hardest call: keep when important variables are not missing
    • Balance sheet like liquid assets
    • Ownership like foreign
    • Industry classification
  • End with 19K observation, 20% default rate

Firm exit case study: Features - overview

  • Key predictors
    • size: sales, sales growth
    • management: foreign, female, young, number of managers
    • region, industry, firm age
    • other financial variables from the balance sheet and P&L.
  • For financial variables, we use ratios (to sales or size of balance sheet).
  • Here it will turn out be important to look at functional form carefully, especially regarding financial variables.
  • Mix domain knowledge and statistics.
  • Plenty of analyst calls.

Firm exit case study: Feature engineering

  • Growth rates
    • 1 year growth rate of sales. Log difference.
    • Could use longer time period, but Lose observations
  • Ownership, management info
    • Keep if well covered, impute some, but drop if key vars missing
    • Sometimes simplify (unless big data): ceo_young = ceo_age_mod <40 & ceo_age_mod >15
  • Industry categories - need simplify
  • Foreign ownership - above a threshold
  • Numerical variables from balance sheet: Check functional form - logs, polynomials

Firm exit case study: Feature engineering tools

  • Check coverage (missing values)
  • Decide on imputation vs drop
  • Categorical (factor) variables
  • Numerical variables
    • Check functional form - logs, polynomials
    • Look at relationships in scatterplot, loess and decide

Firm exit case study: Feature engineering

  • May need to make cleaning steps.
  • Create binary variables (flags) when implementing changes to values.
  • When financial values are negative: replace with zero and add a flag to capture imputation.
    • Zeros will not work with logs.
  • Annual growth in sales (difference in log sales) vs default
    • Try editing variables by Winsorizing and adding flags for extreme values.
    • Some ODD shapes due to extreme values.

The Weird Shape


Firm exit case study: Winsorizing

  • When edge of a distribution is weird…
  • Winsorizing is a process to keep observations with extreme values in sample
    • for each variable, we
      • identify a threshold value, and replace values outside that threshold with the threshold value itself
      • and add a flag variable.
  • Two ways to do it:
    • an automatic approach, where the lowest and highest 1 percent or 5 percent is replaced and flagged.
    • Pick thresholds by domain knowledge as well as by looking at lowess. Preferred.

Firm exit case study: Firm sales growth

  • The winsorized value simply equals original value in a range and flat below/after.

Firm exit case study: Model features 1

  • Firm: Age of firm, squared age, a dummy if newly established, industry categories, location regions for its headquarters, and dummy if located in a big city.
  • Financial 1: Winsorized financial variables: fixed, liquid (incl current), intangible assets, current liabilities, inventories, equity shares, subscribed capital, sales revenues, income before tax, extra income, material, personal and extra expenditure.
  • Financial 2: Flags (extreme, low, high, zero - when applicable) and polynomials: Quadratic terms are created for profit and loss, extra profit and loss, income before tax, and share equity.
  • Growth: Sales growth is captured by a winsorized growth variable, its quadratic term and flags for extreme low and high values.

Firm exit case study: Model features 2

  • HR: For the CEO: female dummy, winsorized age and flags, flag for missing information, foreign management dummy; and labor cost, and flag for missing labor cost information.
  • Data Quality: Variables related to the data quality of the financial information flag for a problem, and the length of the year that the balance sheet covers.
  • Interactions: Interactions with sales growth, firm size, and industry.

Firm exit case study: Models

Models (number of predictors)

  • Logit M1: handpicked few variables (\(p = 11\))
  • Logit M2: handpicked few variables + Firm (\(p = 18\))
  • Logit M3: Firm, Financial 1, Growth (\(p = 35\))
  • Logit M4: M3 + Financial 2 + HR + Data Quality (\(p = 79\))
  • Logit M5: M4 + interactions (\(p = 153\))
  • Logit LASSO: M5 + LASSO (\(p = 142\))
  • Number of coefficients = N of predictors +1 (constant)

Firm exit case study: Data

  • \(N = 19,036\)
  • \(N = 15,229\) in work set (80%)
  • Cross validation 5x training + test sets
    • Used for cross-validation
  • \(N = 3,807\) in holdout set (20%)
    • Used only for diagnostics of selected model.

Firm exit case study: Comparing model fit

Variables Coefficients CV RMSE
Logit M1 4 12 0.374
Logit M2 9 19 0.366
Logit M3 22 36 0.364
Logit M4 30 80 0.362
Logit M5 30 154 0.363
Logit LASSO 30 143 0.362
  • 5-fold cross-validated on work set, average RMSE
  • Will use Logit M4 model as benchmark


  • Picked a model on RMSE/Brier score
  • For classification, we will need a threshold

Firm exit case study: ROC curve

  • ROC curve shows trade-off for various values of the threshold
  • Go through values of the ROC curve for selected threshold values, between 0.05 and 0.75, by steps of 0.05

Firm exit case study: AUC

Logit M1 0.374 0.738
Logit M2 0.366 0.771
Logit M3 0.364 0.777
Logit M4 0.362 0.782
Logit M5 0.363 0.777
Logit LASSO 0.362 0.768
  • Can calculate the AUC for all our models
  • Model selection by RMSE or AUC
  • Here: same (could be different if close)

Firm exit case study: Comparing two thresholds

  • Take the Logit M4 model, predict probabilities and use that to classify on the holdout set
  • Two thresholds: 50% and 20%
  • Predict exit if probability > threshold

Firm exit case study: Comparing two thresholds

Threshold: 0.5 Threshold: 0.2
Actual stay Actual exit Total Actual stay Actual exit Total
Predicted stay 75% 15% 90% 57% 7% 64%
Predicted exit 4% 6% 10% 22% 14% 36%
Total 79% 21% 100% 79% 21% 100%

Firm exit case study: Threshold choice consequences

  • Having a higher threshold leads to
    • fewer predicted exits:
      • 10% when the threshold is 50% (36% for threshold 20%).
    • fewer false positives (4% versus 22%)
    • more false negatives (15% versus 7%).
  • The 50% threshold leads to a higher accuracy rate than the 20% threshold
    • 50% threshold: 75% + 6% = 81%
    • 20% threshold: 57% + 14% = 71%
    • even though the 20% threshold is very close to the actual proportion of exiting firms.


First option: no loss fn

  • On the work set, do 5 fold CV and loop over models
  • Do Probability predictions
  • Calculate average RMSE on test for each fold
  • Draw ROC Curve and calculate AUC for each fold
  • Pick best model based on avg RMSE
  • Take best model and estimate RMSE on holdout\(\rightarrow\)best guess for live data performance
  • Output: probability ranking - most likely to least likely.
  • Show ROC curve and confusion table with logit on holdout 4 at \(t = 0.5\) and \(t = 0.2\) - to illustrate trade-off.

Firm exit case study: The loss function

  • Loss function = FN, FP
  • What matters is FN/FP
  • FN=10
    • If the model predicts staying in business and the firm exits the market (a false negative), the bank loses all 10 thousand euros.
  • FP=1
    • If predict exit and the bank denies the loan but the firm stays in business in fact (a false positive), the bank loses the profit opportunity of 1 thousand euros.
  • With correct decisions, there is no loss.

Firm exit case study: Finding the threshold

  • Find threshold by formula or algo
  • Formula: the optimal classification threshold is \(1/11 = 0.091\)
  • Algo: search thru possible cutoffs

Firm exit case study: Finding the threshold

  • Consider all thresholds \(T = 0.01, 0.02—1\)
  • Calculate the expected loss for all thresholds
  • Pick when loss function has the minimum
  • Done in CV, this is fold Nr.5.

Firm exit case study

  • Model selection process
    • Predict probabilities
    • Use predicted probabilities and loss function to pick optimal threshold
    • Use that threshold to calculate expected loss
    • Pick model with smallest expected loss (in 5-fold CV)
  • We run the threshold selection algorithm on the work set, with 5-fold cross-validation.
  • Best is model Logit M4
  • the optimal classification threshold by algo is 0.082. Close to formula (0.091)
  • The average expected loss of 0.64.

Firm exit case study:Summary of process with loss function

  • On the work set, do 5 fold CV and loop over models
  • Do Probability predictions
  • Calculate average RMSE on each test folds
  • Draw ROC Curve and find optimal threshold with loss function (1,10)
    • show: threshold search - loss plots and ROC curve for fold 5
  • Summarize: for each model: average of optimal thresholds, threshold for fold 5, average expected loss, expected loss for fold Nr.5.
  • Pick best model based on average expected loss
  • Take best model, re-estimate it on work set + find optimal threshold and estimate expected loss on holdout set


  • Decide whether the goal is predicting probabilities or classification.
  • The outcome of prediction with a binary target variable is always the predicted probabilities as a function of predictors.
  • When our goal is probability prediction, we should find the best model that predicts probabilities by cross-validation + RMSE/AUC.
  • When our goal is classification, we should find the best model that has the smallest expected loss.
    • With formula for threshold or search algorithm
    • Finding the optimal classification threshold needs a loss function.


  • Without a loss function, no classification.
  • If you don’t have one, make it up.
  • Don’t rely on default 0.5.